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Command The leadership is a very strange beast that our company is not talking about with such a frequency as we might be. By their inherent nature, we are here: in guidestown, we can feel a little isolated from the rest of the rps. Our guides are not very noticeable for our repeated readers. No one jumps on a similar platform and broadcasts to himself: “well, now! I wonder what guidelines were written today, that i can spend time reading! ” Most of the people who read our guides directly from the google to google to the movie specific, for example, "can i romantize jennepher and triss at the same time?" (Warning about the spoiler: you can, but the mentioned can not end for your company).

Since we work so much behind the scenes, it is easy to skip some amazing things that the team did in guidestown this year. It is not easy to write a passage or that it is useful for the reader, simultaneously pacifying these vague and mercury gods seo. But 2022 turned out to be a hard year for guides, and i would like to spend a little time to shed light on some of the things that we are extremely proud of, therefore, to fry, that we hope, there will be another broken year for leadership in the leadership in 2023! 
Starting with a heavy demonic elephant, which owns polyesx in the apartment: elden ring was absolutely huge for guides this year. With a set of hands on the deck and above 80 guides written on the extremely high standard, it is difficult to choose only the one that i am especially proud of. So, instead, i chose two. Of the year. Contains 9 detailed maps, as well as almost 20 thousand words describing the locations and nature of 238 bosses, this leadership was absolutely my most diverse personal undertaking for 4 years of work with rps leaders. And such a nuance was worth it. Want a funny fact? This guide on one boss amounted to more than a quarter of rps traffic in early spring in march. This passage performs almost impossible work to show players at each stage of the extensive masterpiece of fromsoft, how to proceed, and surprisingly, concisely, concisely and is absorbed. This is the categorically the first of the most most of the most important guidelines that we wrote in the end for the largest game of 2022. 
Elden's monumental success at the dawn of the year was withdrawn after a year with frightening demand of duty's double release: client 2 and warzone 2. 140 guides, guys. 140. The bet is too great words and a tremendous achievement in itself. I am quite glad, especially with our tables of warzone 2 stats stats, thanks to which, probably, there were about a dozen hours when i repeatedly shot at someone in different places of the body through various weapons. It was worth it, since we finished that we were the central site online, which gave the players the full statistical breakdown of each main arsenal in warzone 2 and mw2. 
Fifa 23 was another great success for us in 2022. This was the first year when we covered the fifa game, and hayden headed the project to each of his usual excitement and greater attention to every detail. It is difficult to choose only one guide that is proud of here, since all of them ticks all the boxes for clarity and details, so i will direct you to his guide at the advanced long players in fifa 23, due to the fact that the porn video cope with the explanation of everything the reader may hope to find out about this topic, and for the reason that the name of the leadership makes me giggle. 
These were the largest games of 2022 for us, however, that our team is proud of this in 2018. Back in june, rebecca published an amazingly insightful and detailed view of how much it really makes sense to play diablo beeversal. In this leadership, she skillfully exposes all the subtleties of the infamous monetization of diablo immortal monetization. This is really great reading. A comprehensive, smart and excellent example of what rebecca does when she is given time to delve into the topic very much. A little more than a month later, rebecca wrote a guide on the options for tuning the floor in sims 4, and i just need to shout it here. This is a complex and sensitive topic, and its leadership makes an extra mile, explaining the complete consequences of each choice of settings in such a way that only a clear fan of the franchise could hope for a long time to write. 
All of the above - in the initial stage of the year, hayden published a hacking guide about the best character settings in the project zomboid, an impressively thick survival game, which, of course, did not want the decryption task.But, this is exactly what heiden did, patiently explaining how classes, experience and features function in the zomboid project, and then illustrating two in -depth buildings of the character, which will give beginners the best chances to survive and get acquainted with the game. Construction manuals - this is something like our specialty here in guidestown. I cumak that we all enjoy the opportunity to delve into the game very deeply and use everything with us to equip the best possible assembly, whether it be a gun, fur, guides and news or a hero. One of the most complete manuals that we published this spring was the rebecca guide genshin impact traveler. This is one of the first examples of the multi -page rps leadership, and rebecca absolutely packed each page with the main information on how this flexible initial genshin impact symbol. 
I would also like to give a big cry of charlie, who spent more than a year, having developed high -quality guidelines for self -employed people for our professionals. Usually he worked on the games of arpgs, like path of exile, lost ark and diablo bempherlal, however, in particular, i would like to indicate to readers to his two excellent shoots from tarkov guides: the first on the types of ammunition, and the other on the best helmets and armor for use. Both of these guidelines make incredibly complex topics much more accessible to the new eft gambler, and could only be written by someone with an invaluable experience in one of the most abstruse shooters around. At the next. She is one of my own, and at least 50% of the reasons for their inclusion in this is to call on more people to fight in the cycle: frontier. Sometimes the instructions for writing can be routine, of course. Just ask rebecca about her work writing endless roblox codes, or about all of us, about writing our daily wordle manuals. But in other cases, it will be very pleasant to introduce players to one of their native games of the year. I believe that enthusiasm shines through the modern guide for beginners in the cycle: frontier. I believe that 2023 will give us much more opportunities like this to write some real works of love for the games that we usually adore when playing. Naturally, there is starfield here, as the most complete new game will come soon. You know that elden ring next year. But there are obviously echoes, redfall, nightingale, ark ii and other smaller, but still intriguing expanses for guides with similar games, like ades ii, planet of lana and the kerbal 2. You prefer a lot of work, but the team of guides never it was not stronger. We will create this and we will most likely have fun. > log in and join us on a human journey to discover strange and convincing training programs for pc. Duty: warzone 2.0 follow - elden ring follow - escape from tarkov follow - fifa 23 follow - genshin impact follow - manuals follow - project zomboid follow - rps review year. Follow - cycle: frontier prote - sims 4 follow 
ollie toms 
Editor guides 
Ollie is the guidestown sheriff in rps, and from the moment of joining the team last year, it has been written over 1000 guides for the resource. He wants to play in dangerously competitive gamies, and factory sims, injuring himself, without ceasing to play badminton and buried his face in the highest fur of his two cats.